
Audition workshops are an opportunity for up to 5 participants per workshop to, at the very least, practice the audition process with an accompanist and get a recording of their audition for feedback and practice purposes; and at most, to get personalized feedback on parts of the audition process, including:

- Preparing and marking their music

- Talking to their accompanist

- Introducing themselves to the directors

- and performance and acting tips

I’ve been in front of the table as an auditioning actor, behind the table as a music director helping to cast the show, and beside the table as an audition accompanist, and I adore working with students on audition prep to help bring confidence to what can otherwise be a stressful and uncertain process!

Audition workshops are $30 for participants, but if you’re interested in learning more about the audition process but not ready or interested in getting up there yourself, you may sign up to observe a workshop for only $15. Observers may have the opportunity to run through the audition process themselves if the participants finish early or there are fewer than the maximum number of participants, so feel free to bring material to work on!

Use the form below to view available workshop dates and times and register. Note that there is a 3-participant minimum to run a workshop and you will be contacted at least 24 hours ahead of the workshop to cancel or reschedule if that minimum is not met. If you don’t see any available workshops at this time, feel free to Contact Me and let me know you’re interested in making one happen!